
Monday, December 18, 2006

Blogging about blogging again... ^_^

My Hello! Project blog H!P - Hello Non-Pro Hour with Jinryuichi has been getting good response these days. Special thanks to all that have been regularly reading the blog. You guys rock! ^_^

Actually, I started that blog in the first place to document my search mission for news on Kago Ai. Then before I knew it, I was writing articles about topics that people want to read. It seems that I enjoyed writing more than I expected, and also because I can do it by typing on the keyboard now. I used to keep a diary, but the writing-with-pen-and-paper thing is just too tiring. With this motivation, I plan to write more. And hopefully write more things in THIS blog too.... :)

Recently I submitted my link to Ray of to add my blog to his feed community - Feed of Pop. So that my readership base can get even better.

Now the Feed of Pop is managed feed site, meaning it's handled manually. It's hard work for Ray to read all Jpop related sites that are included in his feed list, and he has to manually update it. Much respect~~! ^_^

Then I found that Ray took the time to read my archived posts and include it into the FoP. But then not all the posts are edited into "teaser" format. Maybe he forgotten. All I know is that for those posts, the site traffic would stop there, and there will be no click-through to my blog, because the reader can just read it off that page. I thought about asking Ray to edit it, but then again I realised how much work he has to do and it was really cool of him to search my archives and read my really long-winded posts. So I guess I'll leave it just as it is. ^_^

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